Latest Episodes

TBU#48: Why start with why? (And how to do it without the overwhelm!)
️ Shelley shares a few spicy takes in her discussion with Rowena about the classic business book, Start with Why by Simon Sinek. Rowena...

TBU#47: The Power of Content: Author Interview with Mel Daniels
In this special episode, Rowena and Shelley interview Mel Daniels, author of The Power of Content. This is a fantastic episode for business owners...

TBU#46: What we’ve been reading in the 24 for 2024 Challenge
In this episode, Rowena and Shelley are discussing the books they’ve been reading, and checking in on their progress for the 24 for 2024...

TBU#45: Can Good Feelings = Good Productivity?
In this episode, Rowena and Shelley discuss Ali Abdaal's book Feel Good Productivity. Productivity books are often full of tips for working harder, hustling...

TBU#44: Could Harnessing Your Regrets Change Your Life?
Today, Rowena and Shelley are talking about regrets, specifically The Power of Regret: How Looking Backward Moves Us Forward — which is today’s book...

TBU#43: How to Run a Chill Business: Chill and Prosper by Denise Duffield-Thomas
Today, Rowena and Shelley are tapping into their inner chill and discussing Denise Duffield Thomas's book Chill and Prosper: The New Way to Grow...