Latest Episodes
TBU#24 Supportive Habits: Intention + Habits = Change that’s Worth It
When you hear the word “habits,” how do you feel? A sense of heaviness or obligation… feeling guilty about your “bad” habits… or even...
TBU#23 What’s the big deal about Atomic Habits?
Shelley’s got a bee in her bonnet in this episode! The reason? Atomic Habits by James Clear. Since it was published in October 2018,...
TBU#22 Reinvigorate your reading with the 23 for 2023 Reading Challenge
If you find yourself getting stuck in a rut with a particular book genre, or if you’re spending more time reading social media posts...
TBU#21 February is the New January — our guiding words for 2023
Rowena and Shelley are back with Season 2 of Two Booked Up! Woohoo! But… whaaaaaat?! How is it February?!!! Honestly, do you feel like...
TBU#20 How to get your kids to love reading
This episode was supposed to be a minisode, but COME ON! Rowena and Shelley are two bookworms, two boy moms, and this is a...
TBU#19 Audiobooks or regular books… which are better?
Regular books or audiobooks? Or put another way: reading with your eyes or reading with your ears? Which do you prefer? In this bonus...